Now Available

4 More titles coming in this series!
Now Available
Nothing But Net
HC ed.: 978-1-5383-8214-1
eBook: 978-1-5383-8307-0
Pbk. ed.: 978-1-5383-8213-4
eBook: 978-1-5383-8307-0
Pbk. ed.: 978-1-5383-8213-4
Now Available
HC ed.: 978-1-5383-8216-5
eBook: 978-1-5383-8308-7
Pbk. ed.: 978-1-5383-8215-8
eBook: 978-1-5383-8308-7
Pbk. ed.: 978-1-5383-8215-8
Now Available
Fast Break
HC ed.: 978-1-5383-8218-9
eBook: 978-1-5383-8309-4
Pbk. ed.: 978-1-5383-8217-2
eBook: 978-1-5383-8309-4
Pbk. ed.: 978-1-5383-8217-2
Now Available
Big Shots
HC ed.: 978-1-5383-8220-2
eBook: 978-1-5383-8310-0
Pbk. ed.: 978-1-5383-8219-6
eBook: 978-1-5383-8310-0
Pbk. ed.: 978-1-5383-8219-6
Reading Level: 2-3 • Interest Level: 4-7
Meet Me on the Court
Available: Now Available
Author: David Aro
Specs: 5 1/4” x 7 5/8” • 64 pp • “Meet the Characters” infographic, Excerpt from
another book in series, Suggestions for further reading,
About the Author, Spot illustrations, Hi-lo text
HC ed.: 978-1-5383-8212-7 • $23.25 | $17.45
eBook: 978-1-5383-8306-3 • $23.25 | $17.45
Pbk. ed.: 978-1-5383-8211-0 • $13.35 | $11.60
Cam, Tyler, and Markus are upset that their school cut the basketball team
because of lack of funding. They decide to make their own! They don’t have
jerseys, a coach, or even a regular court to practice on. There’s one more
problem—they need at least two more people on the team to play. Can
the team find two more players? Can they win their first game against the
snooty prep school kids that keep stealing their court?